Term Limits and Ranked Choice Voting (RCV)

Want to sign our campaign’s referendum petitions for Term Limits and Ranked Choice Voting in Skokie? Click here.

As a Village Trustee, Clerk candidate, and engaged Skokie resident, I am a huge proponent of electoral reform. The passage of three historic referendums in 2022 – for nonpartisan elections, staggered terms, and hybrid representation – proved that Skokie residents are ready to vote YES for common-sense electoral reforms, if given the opportunity. So when Skokie voters head to the polls for the next Village elections in April 2025, we hope to provide two additional opportunities to improve our local democracy.

Term Limits. Polls repeatedly show that a vast majority of Americans support the concept of term limits for elected officials. In the past 60 years, Skokie Mayors and Clerks have served an average of 5 terms (20 years), and Village Trustees have served as long as 9 terms (36 years). Experienced officials can be invaluable, but a steady rotation of representatives is healthy in any democracy. As the first elected Independent in Skokie history, and the first Village representative outside of the Skokie Caucus Party since 1965, I know that term limits will help encourage new voices and perspectives in our Village government.

Our campaign has initiated a BINDING referendum petition for a moderate, 3-term limit for each elected Village of Skokie position.

Ranked Choice Voting (RCV). This is the fastest-growing electoral reform in the nation, and will allow Skokie voters to rank candidates in order of preference for each position on the Village ballot. The benefits of RCV are many: it provides more choice for voters, reduces negative campaigning from candidates, encourages voters to vote their conscience (by minimizing “strategic voting”), and eliminates unnecessary local primary elections. RCV has already appeared on two Illinois ballot, and in each case received an overwhelming 82% support from voters. Learn more about RCV.

Our campaign has initiated a BINDING referendum petition for RCV in Village of Skokie elections.